Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 2011

Litchfield National Park 14.12.11-16.12.11

Im Vergliich zom bekanntische National Park, em Kakadu, esch dä voll met wonderschööne Wasserfäll, Ussechtspönkt ond natürlechi Pool wo mer cha denne schwemme

In contrast to the more famous National Park, the Kakadu, has the Litchfield more beautiful waterfalls,  and some great lookouts and pools you can swim in.

Magnetic Termite Mounds/ Termitenhügeln

Das send nor es paar vo dene vellne Örtli vo mer cha go bade/ Just a few places you are allowed to swim
 Ussechtspönkt wo mer d'Wiiti vo dem National Park zgschpöre becho hed

Some of the look outs, where you could actually see the wide-spreadness of the national park

Nocheme halb-stöndige Bush-walk met Flip Flops, semer a de wonderschöni Badeplatz härecho

After a 30 min. bush-walk with thongs we finally arrived at this amazing pool

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