Freitag, 23. Dezember 2011

Yellow Water Cruise 17.12.11

 Dos im Kakadu Nationalpark Rägeziit esch, esch relativ vell onter Wasser. Mer hend den en Bootstour gmacht. Dör das hemmer en grosse ibleck id Tier- ond Pflanzewält öbercho. Do zerst es paar belder vom schöne usbleck womer nor scho am Afang gha hend.

 Because  it is rainy-season in the Kakadu Nationalpark, much of the land is under water. Due to that we made a boattrip and we got a big view into the local flora and fauna. First some pictures from the great view at the beginning

 Do en lostige Vogel wo "ofem Wasser chan laufe". Notürli nor dank em Gwächs wo grad onderhalb vode Wasseroberflächi wachst.

Here a funny bird which can actually walk on the water, certanly just because of the weeds which grow just below the surface.

 Do s erste Salzwasserkrokodile womer gse hend. E riise Aperat. Sehr warsch. gäge die 4.5m lang. S hed ned sölle s letzte gse si womer gse hend...

Here the first Saltie that we saw. Big fellow, aprox 13 feet long. but it was not the last one we saw...

Done es paar wonderschöni Föteli vom Weissbauchseeadler.

Some beautiful pictures of the white-bellied Sea-eagle

 Ond es paar meh Fötelis vo welde Salzwasserkrokodil...

And some more pictures of the wild Salties...

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