Uf de Fähri rechtig Kangaroo Island/On the ferry to Kangaroo Island
Pelikanfüetterig/Pelican-feedingDie süesse Denger semmer am Obe go aluege. Drom schwarz/wiiss. D Bruet-Ziit esch grad verbii gse ond die erste chline Pinguine send s erstmol is Wasser ghöpft./In the evening we went to watch this cute things. The baby pinguins went to the water for their first time.
Rächts esch es Baby. D Babys done send genau glich gross gse wie d Eltere nor echli decker ond flauschiger (ond es betzli tollpatschiger)/on the right there is a baby. The babys here are the same size as the parents, just a little bit bigger and fluffier.
Ond notürli hets au Kangaroos gha of Kangaroo Island, naja eigentlech sends Wallabys gse, en chlini Art vo Kangaroos./And of course there were also Kangaroos on Kangaroo Island, actually they are Wallabies, a small kind of Kangaroo.
Hüpf hüpf... |
On es esch so zuetroulech gse dases d Isa am liebste methei gno hätti/It came that close that Isa wanted to take it home...
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