Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2012

°Kangaroo Island 4.1.12-11.1.12 Part 2°

No es paar meh Idröck vo Kangaroo Island/Some more impressions from Kangaroo Island

Cape du Couedic

E Huufe vo Seerobe wo sech am Sönnele send, z erst gsed mer si gar ned, aber wemmer hcli gnauer äneluegt wärdeds emmer meh../A bunch of seals lying in the sun. 

Admirals arch

Bleck of d "Remarkable Rocks" womer den onde no vo nöchem gföteled hend /View to the "Remarkable Rocks" which we visited closer when you scroll down...

Stei chönd bequem sii /Stones can be comfortable

Do hemmer wedermol en Walk gmacht zode Snake Lagoon. En abglägnige Strand womer nor öber ei Wäg chan erreiche. Die 45 Minütigi "Wanderig" hed sech of jede Fall glohnt./ An other time we did a walk, at the end was the Snake lagoon, a beach you can only reach with this path. The 45 minutes walk was defenitely worth it.

Ond no es paar anderi Stränd womer no gstopped hend./and some other beaches we stopped over

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