Dienstag, 21. Februar 2012

°Canberra-The Capital City Of Australia 20.2.12°

Commonwealth Drive
Noch dem mer 4 Nächt in Batemans Bay öbernachtet hend, hemer eus dezue entschede glich no uf Canberra zgo, do s'Wätter grad ned so metspelt ond mer schöns Wätter för d'National Pärk ond a de Beach wetted. / After we spent 4 nights in Batemans Bay we decided to go to Canberra, because the weather was not that good and we prefer the good weather in the national parks and the beach

Canberra esch d'Hauptstadt ond achtgröschti Stadt vo Australie. Sie esch die gröschti Stadt im Landesennere ond liid em Australian Capital Territory. 286 km südwestlich vo Sydney ond 669 km nordöstlich vo Melbourne. Canberra esch ufgrond de Rivalität zwösche Melbourne ond Sydney als Kompromisslösig zor Hauptstadt bestemmt worde. /Canberra is the capital city and eight biggest city of Australia. Its the biggest city away from the coast and is situated in the Australian Capital Territory. 286km south west of Sydney and 669 km north east of Melbourne. Because of the big rivalry of Melbourne and Sydney to become the Australian capital City, Canberra the perfect comprimse solution.
Schwiizer Botschaft/ Swisse Embassy

New Parliament House

Uussecht ofs Warmemorial vom Parliament House/View to the War Memorial form the Parliament House

Iigangsshalle/ Entrance Hall

The Great Hall

Es Beld wod Eröffnig vom Parliamänt Huus dor Queen zeigt/ A painting that shows the opening of the Parliament by the Queen.

Sicht vom Australian War Memorial zom Parliament House/ View from the War memorial to the Parliament House

Osseberiich vom Australian War Memorial/ Australian War Memorial

Im War Memorial esch no s grösste Chriegsmuseum vo Australie igschlosse. Es zeigt alles öber die Australische Einheite im 1. + 2. Wältchrieg, Vietnamchrieg, Irakchrieg ond alli Militärische Isätz wo s Australische Militär doregfüert hed. Das Beld obedrah send Wachsmändli im Vordergrond ond de hendergrond esch Zeichnet. En grosse Teil vom Museum esch eso gstaltet ond zo jedem"Beld" verzellt en Text en Gschecht, segs usere Schlacht wie do, oder wie d Soldate gläbt händ etc./ Included in the War Memorial is the biggest War Museum in Australia. It shows everything about the Australian Soldiers in the 1th and 2nd WW, the Vietnamwar, Irakwar and all the operations the Australians had. The picture above shows wax figures in the front and the background is paintent. A big part of the museum is like this. They show situations from the soldiers and every picture is  underlined with a text about the situation

Alli Soldate send do ufglistet wo gtorbe send im Isatz  ond die Wand esch riiisig /All the Soldiers who died in duty are listed here and the wall is huge...

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