Dienstag, 6. März 2012

°Blue Mountains 22.2-23.2.12°

Noch Batemans Bay eschs den i eine vo de bekanntischte Nationalpärk ond Welt Naturerbe vo Australie gange: Blue Mountains. Leider esch wie emmer öbe be eus am erste Tag s Wätter ned so guet gse, aber am 2. Tag hemmer en strahlend schöne Tag gha/ After Batemans Bay we went to one of the most famous national park and a world natural heritage: The Blue Mountains. Unfortunately the weather was not that good the first day, but the second day was absolutely beautiful

The three Sisters

Mer heds im Asatz schomol es betz gse werom  si Blue Mountains heissed, aber so rechtig gse hed mers erst wos am nöchste Tag nömme bewölkt gse esch ond d Sonne rechtig gschone hed.../You can only see it a little bit why it is called the blue mountains, but if the sun was shining as on the second day it was obvious why it is called that way...

Of de Föteli eschs halt nie so idröcklech wie in Werklechkeit, aber mer gseds done zemli guet wie blau dases esch. Das chond dohär, das die Eukalyptusarte (öber 90 verschednigi i dem Nationalpark) es Öl abstossed wo be de Hetz verdampft ond den vo eus als blaue Schemmer wahrgno werd. Leider macht si das au sehr afällig för Waldbränd ond emmer weder ghört mer vo Waldbränd i dem Gebiet  / It's never that breathtaking on the pictures than it is in reality, but you can see it pretty good that there is a blue glint. This is because the eucalyptus plants (over 90 different species) reject a special oil that oxidate and this is what we see as a blue glint. Unfortunately it makes it realy susceptible to forest fire.

Im ganze Nationalpark heds ganz vel Wasserfäll wo teilwiis öber 900m id Tüüfi störzed. / There are lots of waterfalls which sometimes fall over 900meters.

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