Dienstag, 6. März 2012

°Big Banana 25.2.12°

De nöchsti Stop noch de Blue Mountains esch Coffs Harbour gse of eusem Trip. In Coffs Harbour heds en riiisiiigi Bananeplantage ond si säged, si heiged die beste Banane vo de Wält, was sie nd nor säged, d Banane send wörkli mega fein. D Banane i dem Gebiet bruched done ned es Johr wie alli andere Banane, nei si bruched 1.5 Johr bes sie plöckriif send. Dör das chan sech de Frochtzocker vel besser entweckle ond si send au werklech mega süess. Leider macht das die Banane ned wettbewerbstauglech, dos schlechtwäg zu lang god bes es weder en Ärnti ged ond so wärded die Banane nor a lokali Chliibetreb etc verchauft / The next stop after the Blue Mountains on our trip was Coffs Harbour. There is a huge banana plantation and they say they have the best banana in the world. But it's not only that they say it, the banana is really tasty. The normal banana needs a year to grow, this banana here needs 1.5 year until they got picked and because of this the fruit-sugar is much sweeter than in all the other bananas. Unfortunately they are not longer fit for competition because it takes simply to long to grow them.

Double Banana

Wo är eus die Banane id Hand dröckt hed, hämmer gseit en doppelbanane, das getz doch ned ond womer si den ufgmacht hend heds wörkli 2 Banane denne gha!! / When he gave us the banana and told as that it is a double banana we thought that is not possible. As soon as we opened it we saw that it is possible

Links die chlinsti Banane (Ladyfinger gnennt) ond rächts die grössti womer öbercho hend / On the left hand side the smallest banana (called Ladyfinger) and on the right the biggest one wo got.


hihi *smile*

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