Mer send den tatsächlech met 2 Fläsche Bundaberg Liqour (wos nor i dem Shop ged) usegloffe..Mamis ond Papis chönd sech freue;)./ Bundaberg: Mostly known as boring but in fact a pretty town. The centrum has some nice small shops. Next to them there is the biggest and well known Rum-Destillery in Australia. Which produces the famous Budaberg Rum! We did a guided tour and learnt some interessting facts about the production of rum. At the end we enjoyed some rum tastings which was delicous..hmm...jaammiii. Finally, we walked out with 2 bottles of Bundaberg Liqour (which are only available in that Shop)..Mummys and Daddys will look forward to this ;).
Am zwöite Obe hemmer eus metem Tristan eme ehemalige Schuelkolleg vom Leandro imene Pub troffe. So hemer nomol öber die guete alte Ziite in Brisbane gredt ond eus scho weder för em Juli verabredet./ On the second evening we catched up with Tristan, Leandro's old schoolfriend. We talked about the good old times in Brisbane and already made planes to catch up at home.
Är hed den es riese grosses Gschänkli för eus paratt gha..en Cheste volle met Passions-fröcht, do är ufere Farm schaffed ond weiss wie fescht mer die gärn hend:)/ He had a big present for us..a big box full with passion fruit, because he works on a farm and knows how much we like them:).
Vo November- Februar chömed Meeres- Schildchröte ad Stränd vo Bundaberg om es sechers Plätzli zgfende, es Loch zbuudle ond det ehri Eier zlegge.
Ca. 6-8 Woche spöter graped sech die wenzig chliini Baby-Scheldchröötli dor de Sand use ond sueched ehre Wäg em Strand derab is ändloose Meer.(Afangs Januar bes Ändi März)
Nor ei Scheldchrot us tuusige öberläbt ond wachst zonere grosse häre. Die Wiibliche wo in Mon Repos gebore wärdet chömed den noch 30 Johr zrogg om weder zbrüete ond dä Kreis weder vo fore zstarte.
Zom aluege ond meterläbe esches es wonderschöns Naturspektakel gseh, wenn do honderti vo chliine Scheldchrötli henderenand nochewatschled ond den schlossändlech is Meer gfendet.
From November to February sea-turtles coming to the beach of Bundaberg to find a save spot, dig a nest and lay their eggs.
Some six to eight weeks later the tiny hatchlings emerging from their sandy nests to head towards the sea (early Januar untill late March)
Only one in one thousand turtles survive to maturity and the females born at Mon Repos return some thirty years after birth to breed, nest and start the cyrcle again.
To watch and be part of that nature spectacle it was just amazing to see hundreds of turtles toddling behing each other down to the sea.
!!!Leider setzed mer ets do warsch. no 1,2 Täg fescht, dos sehr rägnerisch esch ond praktisch alli Strosse nördlech wäge Öberschwemmige gschlosse send.!!!
!!!Unfortunately we stucked here for couple days because it is very rainy and almost every road further north is closed because of flooding.!!!
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