Donnerstag, 29. März 2012


Leider hemmer kei freie Speicher meh uf usem Blog ond mössted em Internet go Speicher chaufe..fendet mer aber ned so rechtig.. Aber well mer euse Blog wend wiiterfüehere ond euch allne vo eusne erläbnis verzelle wend, hemmer en neui Blogadrässi erstellt:

Unfortunately we have no more memory ond our blog left and we're told to buy more memory in the internet. For us it's not the right thing to do, but we still want to continue our blog and tell you about our experience and want to share our pictures with you. So we came up with a new blog-adress:

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mittwoch, 21. März 2012

°Bundaberg 20.3-22.3.12°

Bundaberg: Vo vellne as langwilig betetlet aber eigentlech esches es ganz schnüügigs Dörfli. S'Stadtzentrum hed paar chliini Shöps. Näbe dem esch do die bekannteschti Rum-Destillerie vo Australie. Die produziert de berühemti Bundaberg Rum! Mer hend en Füehrig dor die gaanz Aalag chönne mache ond hend paar interessanti Sache öber d'Produktion vom Rum erfahre. Am Ändi vo de Füehrig hemmer eus de Rum ade Bar lo schmöcke..hmmm jaammmii.  
Mer send  den tatsächlech met 2 Fläsche Bundaberg Liqour (wos nor i dem Shop ged) usegloffe..Mamis ond Papis chönd sech freue;)./ Bundaberg: Mostly known as boring but in fact a pretty town. The centrum has some nice small shops. Next to them there is the biggest and well known Rum-Destillery in Australia. Which produces the famous Budaberg Rum! We did a guided tour and learnt some interessting facts about the production of rum. At the end we enjoyed some rum tastings which was delicous..hmm...jaammiii. Finally, we walked out with 2 bottles of Bundaberg Liqour (which are only available in that Shop)..Mummys and Daddys will look forward to this ;).

Am zwöite Obe hemmer eus metem Tristan eme ehemalige Schuelkolleg vom Leandro imene Pub troffe. So hemer nomol öber die guete alte Ziite in Brisbane gredt ond eus scho weder för em Juli verabredet./ On the second evening we catched up with Tristan, Leandro's old schoolfriend. We talked about the good old times in Brisbane and already made planes to catch up at home.

Är hed den es riese grosses Gschänkli för eus paratt gha..en Cheste volle met Passions-fröcht, do är ufere Farm schaffed ond weiss wie fescht mer die gärn hend:)/ He had a big present for us..a big box full with passion fruit, because he works on a farm and knows how much we like them:).

Vo November- Februar chömed Meeres- Schildchröte ad Stränd vo Bundaberg om es sechers Plätzli zgfende, es Loch zbuudle ond det ehri Eier zlegge.
Ca. 6-8 Woche spöter graped sech die  wenzig chliini Baby-Scheldchröötli  dor de Sand use ond sueched ehre Wäg em Strand derab is ändloose Meer.(Afangs Januar bes Ändi März)

Nor ei Scheldchrot us tuusige öberläbt ond wachst zonere grosse häre. Die Wiibliche wo in Mon Repos gebore wärdet chömed den noch 30 Johr zrogg om weder zbrüete ond dä Kreis weder vo fore zstarte.

Zom aluege ond meterläbe esches es wonderschöns Naturspektakel gseh, wenn do honderti vo chliine Scheldchrötli henderenand nochewatschled ond den schlossändlech is Meer gfendet.

From November to February sea-turtles coming to the beach of Bundaberg to find a save spot, dig a nest and lay their eggs.
Some six to eight weeks later the tiny hatchlings emerging from their sandy nests to head towards the sea (early Januar untill late March)
 Only one in one thousand turtles survive to maturity and the females born at Mon Repos return some thirty years after birth to breed, nest and start the cyrcle again.

To watch and be part of that nature spectacle it was just amazing to see hundreds of turtles toddling behing each other down to the sea.

!!!Leider setzed mer ets do warsch. no 1,2 Täg fescht, dos sehr rägnerisch esch ond praktisch alli Strosse nördlech wäge Öberschwemmige gschlosse send.!!!

!!!Unfortunately we stucked here for couple days because it is very rainy and almost every road further north is closed because of flooding.!!!

Tweed Heads- Noosa Heads 1.3.12-19.3.12

I dene 19 Täg semmer i de Omgäbig vo Brisbane onterwägs gseh. Mer hend mehreri Tagesusflög ad Beach, Wet'n'Wild (Wasserpark), ond id Stadt sälber gmacht. I dere Ziit semmer au eusi Gasteltere go bsueche ond hend mehreri Täg be minere (Isa) Gastfamilie chönne wohne. Leider hemmer eus den mösse för längeri Ziit verabschede, aber mer wössed/hoffed das sii den gliih mole id Schwiiz chömed.
During these 19 days we stayed in and around Brisbane. We did couple of daytrips to the beach, Wet'n'Wild (Waterpark) and into the city itself. While this time we also visited our hostfamilys again and could stay a couple days at my (Isa) hostfamilys house.
Unfortunately we had to say goodbye for a longer period of time but we believe and hope that they will come to Switzerland one day.

Mooloolaba Beach

De Ty (min Gastbrüeder) met sim Team im Final am Surf-Rowing/ Ty (my hostbrother) and his team in the finals while Surf-Rowing

Mount Tambourine

Met mine (Isa) Gasteltere semer för 1 Tag zom Mount Tambourine gfahre, dä esch ca. 1 Stond vo Brisbane Stadt entfärnt. Mer hend be Wii-degustiere, verschedni Chäs probiere, Bier trenke ond üs met Fudge vollstopfe en schöne Tag trotz schlächtem Wätter erläbt.
With my (Isa) hostparents we drove for 1 day to Mount Tambourine, which is approx. 1 hour from Brisbane city. While we tried wine, drunk beer, tasted different kinds of cheese and ate a lot of fudge we had a great day even though the weather was bad.
The Fairy Shop

Vo do us hät mer d'Ussecht bes ad Gold Coast abe/ From that point we should have been able to see till Gold Coast

Moreton Island

Moreton Island esch en chlini Insle wo grad a de Köste be Brisbane esch.
Leider hemer nor 1 Tag chönne uf der Insle sii, dos die längt Ziit gräägnet hed./ Moreton Island is a little island which lies at the coast near Brisbane. Unfortunately the weather was once more pretty bad so we stayed just for one day.

S'Highlight vo dem Tag hemer den am Obe erläbt. 5 weldi Delphine send am Obe a Strand cho zom gfüetteret zwärde. Das Schauspel fendet jede Obe statt ond esch zonere riisige Touristeattraktion worde.
Mer hend den paar glitschigi Feschlis becho ond hend den en Delphin chönne füettere..das esch es onglaublechs Erläbnis gseh./ The highlight of that day was in the evening. 5 wild dolphins came down to the beach to get fed. That spectacle happens every evening and became a great touris tattraction.
We got some slippery fish to feed a dolphin..that was an awesome experience.

Samstag, 10. März 2012

°Way up the Coast, Batemans Bay to Brisbane°

Kangurus ofem Campingplatz in Batemans Bay/ Kangaroo's on out Campground in Batemans Bay

Behrüemti Manly Beach/ Famous Manly Beach

Pacific Highway


Dienstag, 6. März 2012

°Quicksilver and Roxy Pro Goldcoast°

Ned nor semmer genau denn dete wo die beste Tennisspeler vo de Wält en Kampf leisted, näi mer händs au no perfekt preicht, wenn die Wältbeste Surfer ade Gold Coast versueched die beste Wällene z verwötsche... Awesome!!!  /Not only were we at the right place at the right time to see the worlds best tennisplayers, no we had the luck to see the worlds best surfers at the Gold Coast as well.  Awesome!!!

Gsponseret werd s Männertornier vo Quicksilver, wiemer schwärlech hed chöne öberseh... /Sponsered was the men's tournament by Quicksilver, which was hard not to see...

... Onds Fraue Tornier vo Roxy /And the women's tournament by Roxy
So heds usgseh wen grad niemert am Surfe gse esch/ This is how it looked like when nobody was surfing...

Ond so heds vo osse usgse... /This is how it looked like from outside

Snapper Rocks (schnappendi Stei),  wäge dene Stei heisst de Strand so wiener heisst ond do zwöschetene send si am surfe gse... /Snapper Rocks, this is why the Beach is called like that and between this rockes they were surfing

Ond then esch losgange metere fun session. S Nr. 2,3,4,7 ond s 10 send im Wasser gse, alli metenand ond hend echli zeigt was si chönd, för s Tornier fort z fahre hend d Wälle leider am erste Tag womer gse send ned glänget, Spass hemmer trotzdem gha / And then they started to surf, with a fun session. The world nr. 2,3,4,7 and 10 were in the water and showed why they are in the top ten, but the waves were not good enough to continue the tournament. But we had our fun.

Ond so heds den usgseh wen es si am Surfe gse send / and this was when they were surfing

Leider esches för eus z schwerig gse, alli näme z merke ond do mer d surfer eh nor ade badhose erkönne chan, esches eus leider ned be allne möglech do d Näme änezschribe...

Das esch de Adriano De Souza vo Brasilie, s Wält Nr. 2. Är esch den schlossändlech im Männerfinal gstande, dete heder aber gäge en Aussie verlore. /Adriano de Souza from Brazil, the worlds nr. 2. he was in the men's final, but lost against an aussie

Josh Kerr Welt nr. 3/Josh Kerr world nr. 3

Am nöchste Tag esch den s Tornier wiitergange. Mer send grad acho wo de Kelly Slater sini letzti wälle verwötscht hed. De Kelly Slater esch so z säge de Roger Federer vom Surfe. Är esch scho 40i ond zeigt de jonge surfer emmerno wo s lang god. Mettlerwiile esch är 11 fachi Wältmeister. Leider esch är i dere Rondi den grad usegheit... / The tournament continued the next day and we just arrived when Kelly Slater took his last wave. Kelly Slater is the Roger Federer of surf. He is 40i and still shows the young surfers how to do it. Unfortunately he lost his battle as we arrived...

Denne send d Surfgroms (d juniore vo 10-16) dra gse. Ond scho die hend moves drofegha wo mer nor devo chönd träume... / Then the surfgroms (the juniors from 10-16) went into the sea and even they did moves we can only dream about...

Do gsed mer no einisch meh wie si werklech grad ade stei surfed... /once more you can see how close they surf to the rocks...

Quicksilverwärbig met  em Kelly Slater. Niiiice

Den hend sech s Nr. 2 ond 4 vode Fraue Duelliert /  And then the women competed

Tyler Wright Nr. 4 

Laura Enever Nr. 2 Johrgang 94!!/Born in 94!!

Ond dene s Männerfinal: Adriano de Souza gäge Taj Burrow ond das esch eifach nor genial ond spannend gse... / And then the men's final: Adriano de Souza against Taj Burrow. This was just amazing and super thirlling

Zom schloss send den no es Paar legändene ond aktuelli fahrer wo scho früener usegheit send nomol gfahre, onter anderem au de Kelly Slater... / In the end some legends and some surfers who are still on the tour did a fun session...

Adriano de Souza

Kelly Slater

Am büchli esch das definitiv en Legände ond kei aktuelle fahrer me